Steven Oz

Freelance Journalist
Knower of comic books, video games, and other useless information. Please leave your message after the beep


Steven Oz

Social Media
Creative Writing
G.I.Joe Knowledge

As a freelance blogger, I created blogs on many different topics. I interact with the other bloggers and community members that comment on my posts.

I am a gamer. I'm not ashamed to say it, I play video games. Mobile, console, or computer games, I do not discriminate. As someone who plays video games I am a compilation of many different heroes. I would like to think that some of these heroic qualities were passed down to me.

What makes me a gamer? Being surrounded by people who accept me for who I am. Having the knowledge that in the game world or in real life that I am a force for good. I don't just live one life, I live many lives. I matter in this world. At the end of it all, gamers play what we play, not for the game over, but for what we take away.